Taylor Made.

                                  Barbara and Robert in days happier.

Spangler Arlington Brugh (bet ya can't say that the times fast) better known to you as Robert Taylor, and a most beguiling gal from Brooklyn,  Barbara Stanwyck (that's actually her name) were one of celluloid's most cosmic of couplings. So inspired, by the unmitigated love that Miss S bestowed upon him.

 Taylor himself, would pen an article deconstructing the ways one can keep a spouse elated.  Tragically, Barbara battled borderline personality disorder, some of the major symptoms being jealousy and paranoia. It did not help her that her devastatingly charismatic partner Taylor, was essentially a magnet for other women, and overwrought with her profound feelings of insecurity, the marriage, floundered. They tried their best to see it through regardless of their differences. Robert was the consummate outdoorsman, passionate about fishing and hunting expeditions, and Barbara in trooper fashion, tagged along from time to time, althought she was as introverted as you could probably get.  Ah, but lovers' compromises.

  A hardboiled lass - only in on-screen persona, for she was infinitely more  insulated when it came to off-screen brass tax, and for her, have to be curled up on the couch canoodling with her sweet'eart was just fine by her.

 Although their union would ultimately come to an end, Taylor remained the love of Stanwyck's life.

And not to say Barbara was not herself tempting to other men, oh but she was, she was!  In fact, Henry Fonda did his college best, in trying to seduce her, when she was loved up with her Robbie dear, but Babs was indubitably a one man dame! 

In 1954, Taylor would tie the knot with Teutonic thespian Ursula Thiess, and although their marriage would last until his death in 1969, it remained unequivocal, that no such woman on the planet peppered his life quite like Lady Barbara.


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