Famous First (ish) Meetings

When fabulous foghorn Ethel Merman was about to appear on Loretta Young's show, she typically found it quite difficult to repress her ribald ripostes. For Miss Merman was very fond of uttering salty quips. For example she would famously parody herself by singing the line in lieu of Everything's Coming Up Roses  - Everything's Coming Up Rose's What???

Loretta Young, more than somewhat priggish, had  a profound aversion to frank language, and  had
a special protocol, that any guest on her show, would have to remit a dollar, every time they would let an unsavoury word slip.

When Ethel was being sausage stuffed into a frock that was well too small for her, she exclaimed " Oh shit, this damn thing's too tight." to which Loretta scowled, and in her disgust asked Lady Merman to cough up a buck for the damage done, to which the cheeky Ethel replied "Ah, honey, how much will it cost me to tell you to go fuck yourself?"

    why I never!

why I always !


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